Brand New Look: Meet the New SVM Logo

Smart Village Movement, July 1, 2024

We are thrilled to unveil our new SVM logo, designed to complement our original one. This fresh look preserves our original font and color scheme, ensuring continuity and recognition.

Introducing Our New Logo: A Symbol of Collaboration and Innovation

Our new logo features a trinity symbol, representing the interconnection of three circles. This triple helix design highlights our collaborative work with three key entities: government, corporate, and academia, all united in our mission to create smart villages.

Meaning Behind the Design

This professional and memorable design symbolizes our ongoing commitment to innovation and partnership. It encapsulates the essence of our open innovation concept, where we foster an ecosystem of collaboration and knowledge-sharing among diverse stakeholders. By integrating the strengths and expertise of the government, corporate sector, and academia, we aim to drive sustainable development and create thriving smart villages.

Open Innovation at SVM

Open innovation at SVM means breaking down silos and encouraging a flow of ideas and solutions from various sources. It’s about harnessing our partners’ collective intelligence and resources to address the unique challenges faced by rural communities. This approach accelerates progress and ensures that the solutions we implement are holistic, inclusive, and impactful.

A Visual Reminder of Our Commitment

Our new logo serves as a visual reminder of this dynamic collaboration and our dedication to transforming rural areas through innovative and sustainable practices. Join us in celebrating this exciting new update in SVM, and stay tuned for more.

For more information and updates on our initiatives, please visit Smart Village Movement or contact us at .