
In today’s rapidly evolving world, rural communities often face challenges in accessing quality education and technological advancements. The lack of exposure to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields hinders the potential growth and development of these areas, limiting opportunities for the residents.

SVM Solution

Smart Village Movement (SVM) with Curiosity Gym addresses this challenge head-on by introducing STEM Innovation Hubs in rural communities. These hubs serve as focal points for fostering innovation, curiosity, and skill development among the residents. Through hands-on learning experiences, interactive workshops, and access to cutting-edge technology, SVM aims to bridge the digital and educational divide, empowering individuals to thrive in the modern world.

Partners: logo - Curiosity Gym, GoM

The success of SVM’s STEM Innovation Hubs is made possible through collaborative efforts with a diverse range of partners. We proudly acknowledge the support of Curiosity Gym -our Innovation Partner, Government agencies, educational institutions, corporate sponsors, and local community leaders who share our vision for empowering rural communities through STEM education.

Project Details

Our STEM Innovation Hubs are dynamic spaces that offer a wide array of programs and resources. These include

STEM Classes

Engaging and interactive workshops designed to ignite curiosity and passion for STEM subjects among participants of all ages.

Technology Access Innovation Hubs

Equipped with state-of-the-art computers and software, these centers provide residents with the tools they need to explore the digital world and develop essential digital literacy skills.

CLIP Platform

In light of the National Education Policy (NEP 2020) proposed learning paradigms, Curiosity Gym introduced Curriculum-aligned Learning Platform (CLIP) - an online teaching and learning platform, streamlined for schools to conduct interactive courses online.

Innovation Challenges

Regular competitions and challenges designed to encourage creative problem-solving and collaboration within the community.

STEM Curriculum

Tailored courses and training programs that focus on enhancing STEM-related skills, ensuring participants are well-prepared for future opportunities.

Community Outreach

SVM actively engages with local communities, schools, and organizations to create awareness about the importance of STEM education and the resources available at the Innovation Hubs.
